
How cards work

task card in Subtask

Cards are the main unit of information in Subtask. A card holds all the information needed for one task-- including nested cards to define any subtasks. You can arrange cards in your columns or nest cards inside one another to group them.

You can also add content to a card via the (+) Add Details menu on the bottom of the card.

Additional actions can be taken on cards via their [...] Card menu which you can access by clicking on the [...] icon in the top right corner, or by right-clicking on the card.

Parts of a card

Card Title

Title on a card in Subtask

The card title is the main text field in a card. Entering a short descriptive title for your tasks will make them easy to find and manage.

Add details

The (+) Add details button is a quick way to add more information to your card. Go here when you need to add a description, due date, comment, file attachment, and more.

Card menu

The [...] Card menu appears in the top right corner of every card and column. From here you can access all the actions that can be taken on a card.


Add a description to a card

The description field is a place to add more detail if it's needed. Click on (+) Add details > Description to add the description field.

Task statuses

Changing a task's status
task status

The Status icon tells you at a glance what phase of work the task is in. All cards will start with the status set to Not started. As you work on it you can change the status to reflect your progress.

status menu

A set of 5 default statuses are provided and may be customized if you choose.

  • Not started: All new tasks begin with this status.
  • In progress: Work has begun on the task.
  • Done: All work is finished on the task.
  • Blocked: A problem has prevented you from working on this task.
  • On hold: The task is currently not being worked on.

Customizing task statuses

customize statuses

To edit the list of statuses and add your own custom statuses, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the status menu to open the Status Editor

custom status editor

You can add or edit the statuses to match your workflow by giving them a label, color, and icon.

Adding status notes

In addition to setting a status, you may also add a note to your status to explain any relevant information. Click on the Add note comment icon next to the status option in the menu to add a comment. Use this to explain, for example, why a task is blocked or on hold.

Adding subtasks

Adding subtasks

Adding subtasks is (unsurprisingly) a crucial part of Subtask. We believe that there are great benefits to breaking down large problems into bite-size pieces of work to do, and sometimes you need to break down those pieces into smaller parts as well.

You can add subtasks to any card via its (+) Add details menu. When you add a subtask via this menu it will add a card to the top of the list.

After you type in the title of the subtask, simply press Enter to create another subtask underneath it.

Creating relationships

create a relationship between tasks

Sometimes you have a set of tasks that are related to each other, such as when one needs to be done before the other can be started. Using the relationship tool, you can quickly connect the tasks that are dependant each other.

drag the relationship arrow between cards

Click and drag the relationship tool from one card to the card that must be done next in sequence. You'll then be prompted to specify which of the two should be done first.

select what should come first

After you've created a relationship, you'll see an icon on each card.

relationship icons

The arrow icon means that this card must be done before others can begin. Click the icon to open a list of cards that are next in the sequence.

The hourglass icon means that this card is waiting for one or more other tasks to be done. Click it to see what it is waiting on.

If your cards appear in the timeline view, then these relationships will be visualized with connecting arrows.

Adding due dates and start dates

add due dates to cards

Add a due date to a card via the (+) Add details menu. The date picker will open which will allow you to choose the desired day.

You may also add a start date through the (+) Add details menu as well if you want to specify a time range.

Setting up recurring tasks

recurring task icon

When you add a start date or a due date you also have the option to set it as a Recurring task

create a recurring task

Click on the text that says "Does not repeat" to choose a recurring schedule or custom if you want to provide more detail when a task should reoccur.

custom recurring schedule

When a task is recurring, the card in the task groups view will always show the current iteration of the task. When you change the status it will update for the current iteration and reset when the next iteration begins.

For example, if you have a weekly task that occurs on Wednesday, and you mark it done on Thursday, then on Sunday the next iteration will begin and the card will again be flagged as "not started"

You may also choose to assign team members to one event or all events of the recurring task.

Adding time estimates

show time estimate on cards

Add a time estimate to a card via the (+) Add details menu. When adding an estimate you can enter a number and set the units to minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

input a time estimate

Once you've added time estimates you can sort a column to show the tasks with the shortest estimates first. Additionally, if you place your cards on the timeline, their estimates will be taken into account to visualize their time span.

Assigning tasks

task assignment panel

Tasks, subtasks, and task groups can be assigned to one or more team members. Click Assign to in the (+) Add details menu to open the Assignment panel. You can assign tasks by entering the team member's email address (they will receive an invitation to your board if they do not have access already)

You may also assign tasks to "anonymous" users by just entering a name in the assignment panel. When you enter a name, it will not be associated with any other member's Subtask account.


Tagging cards is a handy way to categorize or flag one or more cards for a specific purpose. Tags appear as a small colored bar or pill at the top of the card.

To add tags, choose the Tags option in the (+) Add details menu. This will open the Tag panel where you can select from the list of tags, create new tags, or edit their color or label.

File attachments

Attach file to cards

You can add files to any task, subtask, or task group via the File attachment option in the (+) Add details menu, or by dragging and dropping the file from your desktop onto the card in your browser.

Attach images, videos, pdfs, or any other document to your cards. After a file has been added to the card, click on its thumbnail to open its full view. To remove an attachment, right click on the thumbnail in the card and select delete


Comment on cards

To add a comment to a card, choose the Comment option in the (+) Add details menu. Comments are a useful way to discuss the work to be done, share progress updates, or alert each other about obstacles.

Once comments are added to a card, they can be accessed via the comment icon on the card.

Comment notifications will be sent by email to anyone assigned to the task, or anyone you @mention.

Detail View

A card detail view in Subtask

The detail view gives you a larger full-screen view of all the content in a card. To open the detail view, click on the card's background, or choose View/Add Details in the [...] Card menu

In the detail view you can set the status, assignment, due dates, time estimate, and tags, as well as add subtasks, file attachments, and comments.

At the bottom of the detail view you'll also see an indicator of who created the task and the date and time it was created.

Prioritize by effort and value

set effort and value

In the card's detail view you'll have the option to set the effort and value of the task. These options correspond to placement in the Priority Matrix view.

Once a card is prioritized a matrix icon will appear, giving you a quick indicator which quadrant it is in.

Add a priority matrix

add a priority matrix to a card

In addition to the main priority matrix you can access via the Navigation Header, you can also add a priority matrix to a card in order to focus on prioritizing just the subtasks within one task or project.

When you select Add priority matrix from the [...] Card menu you'll see an image of a matrix appear in the card. Click on it to open the matrix and prioritize your subtasks. The image on the card will also serve as a "mini-map" showing you a high level view of how cards are laid out in the matrix.

Archiving cards

When you archive cards, it removes them from view, but doesn't permanently delete them. This is useful to help clean up the view if you have tasks you don't want cluttering the board. To archive a card, select the Archive option in the [...] Card menu

Note: the archive feature is available to users with a paid Team account.

Deleting (and restoring) cards

If you want to permanently remove a card or a column, select the Delete option from the [...] Card menu. If you've deleted something by mistake, you can always undo it by clicking the Undo button in the header, or by hitting Ctrl-Z / Cmd-Z. (Note that after you've reloaded the board in your browser you will no longer be able to undo changes that happened before then)

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Subtask: The task board for organizing projects the way you want.
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